Outstanding Value
Real Animator Training Library Archive Bundle Application

Save £500 (around $690 USD) by purchasing this 4 bundle archive set for £999 (around $1380 USD)

You Get Unlimited Access To Four Training Archives Containing Over 200 Hours of Content.

This means that you will have Unlimited Access to Hours upon Hours of High End No Nonsense, Straight Talking Animation Instruction of the like not found on most degree course lectures or online alternatives.

You’ll Get 4 course archives to study and They are:

PRIVILEGE #1 – BASICS ARCHIVE – 36 video lectures focusing on 3 of the fundamental Laws of Animation – Timing, Slowing in & Slowing out and Arcs. Other principles  are touched upon as you move through 6 different Walk and Run Cycles. With Little to no drawing skill required this archive is designed and dedicated to guide you from the very beginning to an intermediate level.

PRIVILEGE #2 –  INTERMEDIATE ARCHIVE – 39 video lectures focusing on the 12 Laws of Animation. You Will Develop your Character Animation Ability Using The Flour Sack Through a Series of Lectures Based on Solid Drawing, Squash And Stretch, Anticipation, Follow Through and Overlapping Action, Straight Ahead and Pose To Pose Animation. You will then move on to a series of quadruped walk, trot, canter and gallop motions. This Archive will give you a command over your character animation and the necessary skills to move onto more advanced animation with confidence.

PRIVILEGE #3 –  ANATOMY FOR THE ANIMATOR – THE COMPLETE HUMAN SKELETON – 36 video lectures Focusing on the Entire Human Skeleton. You will learn how to Draw all the Bones and Bone Groups that make up the Human Body. You will also understand how their joints move and how to train your hand eye coordination and become competent at drawing the human figure.

PRIVILEGE #4 –  Pick Up and Play Animation Lectures Archive  – 18 video lectures Random video lectures covering a variety of topics such as Walks, Runs, Acting, Construction & Consistency, Perspective and Staggered motion. You will also learn about Character Design, Drawing on model, Drawing Characters and shapes and Storyboards. These videos are not presented in a Step by Step follow along manner as the above archives and are focused more on consolidatory and companion study.

Please Note the Advanced Animation Training Archive is not included in this bundle.

TREMENDOUS VALUE –  You’re Getting $170,000+ Dollars Worth of Value – For a Tiny Fraction Of The Investment… BOLD CLAIM! WHERE’S THE PROOF?
The Fact is that Animation Students Who have Paid $45,000 to $170,000 to Animation Schools and courses State that the REAL ANIMATOR TRAINING LIBRARY  Offers The Same Elite Level Of Training (Or Better) For The Tiniest Fraction Of The Price.


(Exchange Rate varies from $1280 to $1300 USD)

Apply to purchase the bundle by filling the form below and you will receive a personal email with a payment link. Once your payment is processed in full you will be granted access to the archives.
This is not an automated process and you will be personally managed via email correspondence.

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    IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

    I Do Not Believe in Short Cut, one simple trick And I don’t do the “Animation Hacks (insert ridiculous number)” “Cheat Sheet”s. I believe in Hard Work through commitment and Focus and that is what my Tutorials and Courses are Designed to Help You With. As Stated by Law I Cannot and Do Not Make any Guarantees about your own ability to get results or obtain professional work with my Training Material, Information or Tutorials. I Don’t Know You and Besides Your Results in Life are Up to You. Agreed? I’m here to help you by giving you my knowledge and experience to move you forward faster. However nothing on this page or any of my websites and emails is a Promise or guarantee of your future results. Any references here, or on any of my sites and emails are simply estimates or projections of past results and should not be considered exact, actual or as a Promise of potential Success. All Examples are illustrative only. If you have any questions email info@ambanimation.com Thanks for Stopping by. Until next time, remember. Real Focus, Real Information, Real Learning, Real Results.

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