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2d Animation with a Vampire Character

Have You ever Have That moment when a piece of music literally blows you away -creatively that you just have to respond with more creation?

Yup that’s exactly what happened to me when my close friend and associate the OG (Objectivist Guitarist) Shared his latest composition with me for some feedback. It was a cover of one of my favorite songs ‘Cry Little Sister’ By Gerard McMann from the classic 80’s Vampire Movie The Lost Boys.

I literally started putting pen to tablet the instant I heard the opening guitar riff and began scrawling my interpretation of Kiefer Sutherland’s Character David. I often get inspired and play with ideas then cast them aside and continue on with my existing work but before I knew it the day had passed and the track had been on a constant loop and I had already designed a rough story panel and some thumbnails for a short animation test.

The following day I decided to continue with existing work but the temptation to listen to the track again caused me to deviate from the task in hand and continue with the work I had done the previous day. I decided to document the process and I animated the keys live on Facebook.

After the key animation had been done I was pleased and thought I’d leave it at that but once again the track played in my mind and goded me on to designing and painting a background for the animation.

Once the background had been painted I knew there was no turning back and I had to see it through. I coloured in some keys of the character and then hired the services of some associates of mine to aid me with the lengthy task of filling in every frame of the characters.

I then animated some candle flames to go in the background and composited it all in edit. Afterwards I got permission from my friend to utilise the track in my own edit ‘Finding a Lost Boy’ With Hand Drawn Animation. Where you can watch most of the process unfold along with the music that inspired the entire piece.

The animation was done utilising Toon Boom Storyboard Pro 4.1 and the background paining and character colouring was done in Adobe Photoshop CS6. The editing and post production was done using Adobe Premiere CS6

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